History Of E-library In Nigeria

The concept of a library from the very origin of it in the ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia connotes an organized collection of items in various formats which has moved from the original cuneiform clay tablets, goat skins and papyrus leaves to printed books, journals, microforms films strips, videos, CDROM DVD, MP3, etc. Whatever format goes along with the services needed to make them available to users. The library is a place where you can obtain Information and a place where you can be tele-guided to the information you as a user may need.

Today, away from the description, characterisation and format of the traditional library comes the Electronic Library (e-library) which may Synonymously be called digital or virtual library without fuss or much semantic contradictions.  The e-library is a library which collections are stored in digital formats as opposed to print, microforms or other media. It can be accessed only through computers. The stored digital content of the e-library may be stored locally and accessed remotely via computer networks from wherever and at any time.

From Traditional to Electronic Library

The shift from traditional libraries to the digital is not merely a technological evolution, but a required change of paradigm brought about by the advent of the Internet and the way by which people access, interact and use Information today. The availability and applications of telecommunication technologies to e-library has enhanced access to Information beyond anyone’s expectations, especially given the myriads and the quantum of publications and other formats of Information being rolled out in nano seconds 24/7 by governments, corporate organisations and individuals. The two revolutions in the last decade of the Internet and the Mobile phone justify the creation of e-library to take advantage of the ethos and benefits of these inventions to provide access to Information.

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