How To Stop Vertigo

How to Ged Rid of Vertigo
1. Physical Therapy

For people who experience recurring vertigo, one type of helpful treatment is vestibular rehabilitation, a form of physical therapy that addresses the vestibular organs. The vestibular system constantly sends information to the brain in the form of nerve impulses from special nerve endings called sensory receptors, so therapy can retrain these organs to work with our other senses to re-establish a sense of balance. (4) Vestibular rehab can help promote central nervous system compensation for inner-ear problems causing loss of balance.

Inactivity has also been linked to worsened vertigo, so additionally, physical therapy treatments work on increasing strength, range of motion, flexibility and movement, while preventing muscle fatigue and soreness. A vestibular rehab program might include various exercises for: building better hand-eye coordination, improving balance, strengthening joints and muscles, and improving fitness and endurance. These exercises can also help ease pain and allow you to rest better if you usually find you can’t sleep comfortably.

2. Head Maneuvers (“Canalith Repositioning Procedure,” or CRP)

Certain types of exercises and head adjustments can help move ear rocks (calcium deposits) out of the area in the ears where they cause problems. This technique is recommended by the American Academy of Neurology, which offers a series of specific head and body movements for clearing the canals of the inner ear chambers. CRP is very effective with an approximate cure rate of 80 percent for people who suffer from BPPV-type vertigo. It’s also usually helpful for preventing vertigo from reoccuring. (5)

How does it work exactly? When the head moves a certain way, the canaliths within the canals travel back to their correct location in the utricle, where they usually dissolve, break up and stop causing dizziness. The canalith repositioning procedures usually involve holding four positions for about 30 to 45 seconds each or as long as symptoms remain. Then you hold your head in a fixed position for about 20 seconds after symptoms go away.

The procedures can be done in a doctor’s office quickly and painlessly. (6) If it’s your first time dealing with vertigo and trying head maneuvers to resolve your symptoms, it’s a good idea to meet with a doctor who can show you how to properly perform them.

3. Reduce Stress

Stress and inflammation both seem to raise the risks for vertigo. (7) Stress is capable of reducing immunity, making it more likely that you’ll experience ear infections, swelling and other problems related to the vestibular system. The more stressed you are, the less likely you are to exercise regularly and get good sleep — both of which you really need if you’re prone to developing vertigo! That’s why chronic stress is so dangerous.

Try natural stress relievers like exercising, yoga, meditation, taking warm baths, using essential oils and spending more time outdoors.

4. A Healthy Diet and Staying Hydrated

Some doctors prescribe medications to reduce inflammation or infections within the ears, but ultimately this doesn’t help solve the problem long term for some people. A crucial aspect to limiting inflammation and preventing dehydration is eating a nutrient-rich diet.

Anti-inflammatory foods can help manage blood pressure levels and are usually hydrating, which keeps you protected from dehydration, lowering your risk for vertigo. Foods to include in your diet often include: vegetables (especially those high in blood pressure-lowering potassium, such as leafy greens), fresh fruit (like bananas and avocado), healthy sources of fats (like wild fish, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil) and clean sources of lean protein (grass-fed meat, cage-free eggs and pasture-raised poultry, for example).

In addition, drink enough water each day, and lower your intake of caffeine and alcohol if you feel dizzy often. Even mild dehydration can cause dizziness and changes in blood pressure that can make you feel off-balance and nauseous.

5. Be Active but Get Enough Rest Too

People who experience a lack of sleep, tossing and turning, and inactivity are more likely to suffer from vertigo. Make it a priority to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, so you feel energized enough to move around enough, get regular exercise and experience proper muscle recovery. Exercise is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure levels and controlling stress.

To reduce dizziness once you wake up, try to sleep with your head slightly raised on two or more pillows. Also make sure to get up slowly when getting out of bed, not to walk far in the dark, which can cause you to fall, and possibly even sit on the edge of the bed for a minute before getting fully up so your head and ears can get accustomed to a new position.

6. Talk to Your Doctor About Other Causes of Dizziness

Vertigo isn’t the only reason you might feel dizzy, so if symptoms seem to keep coming back, it’s a good idea to get a blood test done and speak with your doctor. Vitamin B12 deficiency, low blood pressure, anemic symptoms, heart complications and even anxiety can all contribute to dizziness, so rule these out before assuming that vertigo is to blame. Some medications can also make vertigo or dizziness worse, including blood pressure medications, anti-anxiety drugs and taking high amounts of supplements.

While working on fixing vertigo and preventing it from returning, keep in mind that you might still have episodes of feeling very dizzy. Whenever symptoms reappear, make sure you safely sit down, rest and talk to your doctor. Here are some helpful tips for managing symptoms while they’re still going on:

Don’t do anything that’s dangerous while you lack balance, such as driving or exercising, which can cause you to fall and become injured.
Sit down or lay down and rest immediately when you feel dizzy.
Be careful about getting up suddenly in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and always use good lighting if you do get up from bed when it’s dark.
Try talking to your doctor about using a cane to help you re-establish balance.

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