National Anthem Of Indonesia

Here is the lyrics of the National Anthem Of Indonesia

Indonesian lyrics English translation Singable English translation
First stanza
Indonesia, tanah airku
Tanah tumpah darahku
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku

Indonesia, kebangsaanku
Bangsa dan tanah airku
Marilah kita berseru
“Indonesia bersatu!”

Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku
Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya


Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya!
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya!
Indonesia, my homeland.
The land where I have shed my blood.
It is there I stand,
to be my motherland’s guide.

Indonesia, my country
My people and my homeland,
Let us proclaim
“Indonesians unite!”

Long live my land, long live my country
My people, my homeland, all of it
let her soul be raised may her body be awakened
For Indonesia the Great


Indonesia the Great, independent and free
My home and country which I love
Indonesia the Great, independent and free
Long live Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia the Great, independent and free
My home and country which I love
Indonesia the Great, independent and free
Long live Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia, homeland beloved!’tis for thee my blood is shed

Where stand I on guard

Our land fore’er to guide

Indonesians, fellow patriots!

A people brave and true

Let us all unite and proclaim,

Indonesians unite!

Long live our land, long live our folk

All ye brave, all ye free, all ye Indos

From sea to sea, awaken thee, patriot

For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia the Great, be free, be free!

These islands of ours beloved dearly!

Indonesia the Great, be free, be free!

Long live Indonesia the Great!

Second stanza
Indonesia, tanah yang mulia
Tanah kita yang kaya
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Untuk selama-lamanya

Indonesia, tanah pusaka
Pusaka kita semuanya
Marilah kita mendoa
“Indonesia bahagia!”

Suburlah tanahnya, suburlah jiwanya
Bangsanya, rakyatnya, semuanya
Sadarlah hatinya, sadarlah budinya
Untuk Indonesia Raya

Indonesia, a noble land
Our wealthy land
there I stand
Forever and ever

Indonesia, the land of heritage
A heritage to us all
Let us pray
“Joyful Indonesia!”

Fertile may her soil, flourish may her soul
The nation, the people, entirely
Vigilant may her heart, vigilant may her mind
For the Great Indonesia

Indonesia, noble and sublimeA land bountiful and free

Thou art where I plant my roots

Forever to stand

Indonesia, land of my fathers

All thine children’s heirloom

Let us pray to thine success

For Indonesians’ joy!

Rich are thy fields, holy is thine soul

Every one of us, arise!

Open all thine hearts and minds

For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia the Great, be free, be free!

My land so beloved dearly!

Indonesia the Great, be free, be free!

Long live Indonesia the Great!

Third stanza
Indonesia, tanah yang suci
Tanah kita yang sakti
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Menjaga ibu sejati

Indonesia, tanah berseri
Tanah yang aku sayangi
Marilah kita berjanji
“Indonesia abadi!”

Selamatlah rakyatnya, selamatlah putranya
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya
Majulah negerinya, majulah pandunya
Untuk Indonesia Raya

Indonesia, a sacred land
Our victorious land
there, I stand
To defend the good mother

Indonesia, a radiant land
My beloved land
Let us pledge
“Indonesia is eternal!”

Safe may her people, safe may her sons
her islands, her seas entirely
Let the country be developed, let her scouts advance
For the Great Indonesia

Indonesia, land so pureA land mighty with resolve

Thou art whom I pledge to

My unchanging allegiance.

Indonesia, a resplendent spirit

Escapes not thine body nor soul

Let us all unite and proclaim

“Indonesia, one and true!”

May thy children be safe from all strife and war

Thy islands, thy seas, too

Indonesians, march on, Indonesians march on

For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia the Great, be free, be free!

My land so beloved dearly!

Indonesia the Great, be free, be free!

Long live Indonesia the Great!

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