National Anthem Of Uruguay

The “National Anthem of Uruguay” is the longest national anthem in terms of duration (about five minutes). The anthem’s lyrics are by Francisco Acuña de Figueroa, who was also the author of the lyrics to Paraguay’s national anthem. The lyrics were officially declared National Anthem of Uruguay on July 8, 1833.

The music was composed by Francisco José Debali with the collaboration of Fernando Quijano. It was first performed on July 19, 1845. The music was officially declared the National Anthem on July 25, 1848. Ninety years later (May 20, 1938) a new decree incorporated modifications by Gerardo Grasso and Benone Calcavecchia. Only the first two verses are sung. The theme of the Anthem is supposedly taken from an Donizetti’s opera, while the elaboration of this theme is truly Debali’s merit.

Version in Spanish
Public Performance Lyrics (The first two verses)

Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!

Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!

Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!

Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!

Que sabremos cumplir!

Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!

Que sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!

Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito a la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.

Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito a la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.

De este don sacrosanto la gloria
Merecimos: tiranos temblad!

Tiranos temblad!
Tiranos temblad!

Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!

Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!

Y muriendo, también libertad!

También libertad!
Tambén libertad!

Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!

Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!

Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!

Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!

Que sabremos cumplir!

Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!

Que sabremos cumplir!

Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!

English Translation
Orientals, our nation or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die.

Orientals, our nation or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die.

Its the vows that our souls pronounce
and which heroically we will fulfill.

Its the vows that our souls pronounce
and which heroically we will fulfill.

We will fulfill.

Its the vows that our souls pronounce
and which heroically we will fulfill.

We will fulfill.

We will fulfill.
We will fulfill.
We will fulfill.

Liberty, Liberty, Orientals.
This is the outcry which our nation saved
and its braves in fierce battles
of sublime enthusiasm enflamed

Liberty, Liberty, Orientals.
This is the outcry which our nation saved
and its braves in fierce battles
of sublime enthusiasm enflamed

This Holy gift of Glory we deserved
Tyrants: Tremble !

Tyrants: Tremble !

Tyrants: Tremble !

Liberty in combat we will Cry Out!
And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout !

Liberty in combat we will Cry Out!
And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout !

And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout !

Freedom we shall also Shout !

Freedom we shall also Shout !

Orientals, our nation or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die.

Orientals, our nation or the grave,
Liberty or with glory we die.

Its the vows that our souls pronounce
and which heroically we will fulfill.

Its the vows that our souls pronounce
and which heroically we will fulfill.

We will fulfill.

Its the vows that our souls pronounce
and which heroically we will fulfill.

We will fulfill.

We will fulfill.
We will fulfill.
We will fulfill.

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