Women Who Invented Something, What They Invented And When

Women Who Invented Something, What They Invented And When

Here’s a list of 16 women inventors, their inventions and dates: 1. Josephine Cochrane In 1886 invented the Dishwasher 2. Monopoly, originally called The Landlord’s Game, was invented by Elizabeth Magie in 1903. 3. Mary Anderson invented the Windshield Wiper In 1903 4. Ruth Wakefield invented the Chocolate Chip Cookies In 1930 5. Dr Grace Murray […]

Who Invented 4k And When

No one really invented 4k 4k  was invented in 2014 4k is The current standard for HD is 1080p, measured by the number of vertical pixels. 4k measures the horizontal pixels instead, and any TV described as 4K will have a resolution of at least 3840 x 2160.

Who Invented 3d Glasses And When

Kenneth J. Dunkley Invented 3d Glasses 3d Glasses was invented in 19th century, 3d Glasses is Autostereoscopy is any method of displaying stereoscopic images (adding binocular perception of 3D depth) without the use of special headgear or glasses on the part of the viewer.

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