Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) is an umbrella organization for trade unions in Nigeria. It was founded in 1978 following a merger of four different organisations: Nigeria Trade Union Congress (NTUC), Labour Unity Front (LUF), United Labour Congress (ULC) and Nigeria Workers Council (NWC).

Core functions/Aims and objectives of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) are listed below :
1. To promote and defend the rights, well-being and interests of workers in the work-place and society;
2. To promote and defend the rights, well-being and interest of pensioners and ensure their recognition by the Society;
3. To continually enhance the quality of life and improve the income and other working conditions of workers;
4. To promote and sustain the unity of Nigerian trade unions, ensure total unionization of all workers irrespective of their creed, state of origin, gender and their political beliefs;
5. To ensure the existence of one trade union and one federation of trade unions in every industry;
6. To promote and defend trade union and human rights, the rule of law and democratic governance;
See Also: History Of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)
7. To promote and defend democracy; probity and transparency in the trade unions and in civil governance;
8. To work for the industrialization and prosperity of the Nigerian nation and ensure protection of jobs, full employment and humane working environment.
9. To continually strive to influence public corporate policies and legislation on all issues at all levels, in the interest of workers, disadvantaged social groups and trade unions;
10. To establish relationship and co-operation with labour movements the world over, and in particular, play a cardinal role in African Trade Union Movement OATUU and the sub-region OTUWA;
11. To continually promote workers education, principally for developing their trade union and social consciousness and for the empowerment of workers in the Nigerian society;
12. To promote and sustain positive industrial relations practice in Nigeria, by strengthening collective bargaining in all sectors of the economy and internalizing appropriate work culture among workers;
13. To ensure viable financial base for the congress and the trade unions by engaging in profitable business ventures, etc., jointly or severally owned with other establishments and these include right to own property, mortgage and disposal of same for the purpose of the attainment of the aims and objectives of the Congress and the trade unions;
List Of Nigerian Army Ranks And Symbol
Departments Of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)
Health & Safety
Industrial Relations
International Relations
Women & Youth
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