Marketing boards are usually nonprofit organizations classified as trade groups and business leagues.

A Marketing board is an organization set up by a government to regulate the buying and selling of a certain commodity within a specified area. It can also be defined as an organization created by many producers to try to market their product and increase consumption and thus prices.
See Functions Of Nigerian Marketing Board Below:
Pooling Resources
Marketing boards provide an opportunity for member businesses to pool their marketing resources. Boards frequently run ads in several media including television, radio, newspapers, magazines and websites including social media.
See Also: Functions Of Nigerian Meteorological Agency
Branding can inspire consumer demand. Both small and large farming and food-producing operations lack a brand, particularly in agriculture. However, Marketing board media campaigns can turn a general product into a brand in itself.
Marketing boards provide opportunities for companies within an industry to network, form alliances and learn about opportunities. Developing industry contacts can have long-term benefits, as members who don’t need anything today can find someone to call for assistance or cooperation at some unexpected point in the future.