List Of Senators From Kebbi State

List Of Senators From Kebbi State (2023-Present)
Adamu Aliero (PDP) – Kebbi Central
Yahaya Abubakar Abdullahi (PDP) – Kebbi North
TBD (TBD) – Kebbi South

List Of Senators From Kebbi State (2019-2023)
Abdullahi Abubakar Yahaya (APC) – Kebbi North
Adamu Mainasara Aliero Muhammad (APC) – Kebbi Central
Na Allah Bala Ibn (APC) – Kebbi South

List Of Senators From Kebbi State (2015-2019)

Sen. Yahaya A. Abdullahi (Kebbi North) APC
Sen. Muhammad Adamu Aliero (Kebbi Central) APC
Sen. Bala Ibn Na’allah (Kebbi South) APC

See also:

The Importance Of The Nigeria Legislative – Senate & House Of Reps Mace

Members Of The Nigeria House Of Representatives By State

List Of All Senatorial Districts In Kebbi state

Nigeria Ministers From Kebbi State And Their Portfolios

List of Senate Presidents Of Nigeria From 1960 To Date

List Of All Nigeria Senators By States

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