Women Who Invented Something, What They Invented And When

Women Who Invented Something, What They Invented And When

Here’s a list of 16 women inventors, their inventions and dates: 1. Josephine Cochrane In 1886 invented the Dishwasher 2. Monopoly, originally called The Landlord’s Game, was invented by Elizabeth Magie in 1903. 3. Mary Anderson invented the Windshield Wiper In 1903 4. Ruth Wakefield invented the Chocolate Chip Cookies In 1930 5. Dr Grace Murray […]

Who Invented Math And When

Egyptians in Middle Kingdom Torvalds Invented Math Math was invented  Between 600 and 300 BC Math is the science of numbers and their operations interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions and of space configurations and their structure, measurement, transformations, and generalizations

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