It is very necessary to know How To Verify FRSC Vehicle Plate Number. This is because the rate of crime in the society is very high, as people steal cars always and parade freely on the roads with them. People are often sold fake Car Plate Numbers in the name of originals, and if you ever become a victim of this, you are in danger of being imprisoned for an offence you know nothing about. If you know How To Verify FRSC Plate Number Online & Through SMS, you can easily prevent this from happening to you.
See Also: How To Check Original Driver’s License In Nigeria
Note: You can verify your Vehicle Plate Number both Online & Through SMS
How To Verify FRSC Plate Number Online & Through SMS
To verify your Vehicle Plate Number, log on to nvis.frsc.gov.ng/NumberPlateVerification, type your plate number in the box provided, click on verify.
To verify using text message, here is the step to follow.
- Type a message in this format “VerifyPlateNo The Plate Number” and send to 33324.
- Wait for the immediate response. That is all.
- Please Note: if you get it wrong, it won’t be successful. There is no space when you type “VerifyPlateNo”. Then give a space and type the Plate Number. Then, you can send. For example: type “VerifyPlateNo ABJ224AK”. Send to 33324.
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