You must understand that BECE is also referred to as Junior WAEC. In fact, you may decide to call it JSS3 Exam.
Now, getting BECE syllabus for a new sesson is very easily. The principal of your schoolwould come to class and write down the important topics you must read for all subjects.
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If they don’t come to class and give you the syllabus, you have the right to walk to your school principal or teacher to give you the BECE syllabus. Generally, the syllabus contains the topics you have covered from JSS1 to JSS3.
That was easy right? Now let us move on to the subjects you have to register in Junior waec.
Subjects to Register in Junior WAEC
Eighteen subjects are administered at the BECE level. A candidate is expected to sit for a maximum of ten (10) subjects. A candidate is deemed to have passed the BECE if he/she has passes in six subjects including English and Mathematics.
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- Mathematics
- English Language
- Basic/Integrated Science
- Agricultural Science
- Physical Education
- Introductory Technology
- Social Studies
- Religious Studies
- Business Studies
- Local Language
- Computer
- French
- Civic Education
- Home Economics
- Cultural & Creative Arts
- The BECE grading system is as follows:
A – Distinction
B – Upper Credit
C – Lower Credit
P – Pass
F – Fail
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Important Subjects to Register in BECE
The top 6 subjects to focus on in Junior WAEC are as follows:
- Mathematics
- English Language
- Basic/Integrated Science
- Civic Education
- Agricultural Science
- Computer